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清明节 英语(How is Qingming Festival Celebrated Worldwide?)

发布日期:2024-01-21 09:34:27
What is Qingming Festival?What do people do on Qingming Festival?In different regions, people have a variety of customs on this day. Some may bring lit incense, paper money, and offerings such as food and fruits to the graves of their ancestors. Others may fly kites, plant willows, or go out to enjoy the beautiful spring scenery.Here is the most famous verse describing Qingming Festival by the poet Du Mu in the Tang Dynasty:// 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。\// 借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。\In English, the verse roughly means: "On Qingming Festival, the rain falls heavily, and people on the road feel heartbreaking. They ask the shepherd boy where to find a good wine-house, and the boy points to the village where apricot flowers are in full bloom."What are some traditional foods of Qingming Festival?One of the most well-known traditional foods of Qingming Festival is Qing Tuan, or glutinous rice dumplings filled with sweetened bean paste. People consider Qing Tuan to be a symbol of good luck and reunion.Here is a simple recipe for Qing Tuan:
  1. Choose glutinous rice flour and mix it with cold water. Make it into dough and knead it into a smaller dough.
  2. Shape the small dough into a ball-like shape, and add red bean paste to the center.
  3. Roll the ball around and make it flat.
  4. Wrap the flat ball with reed leaves, and steam for about fifteen minutes.
In addition to Qing Tuan, other traditional foods include peach blossom porridge, fried stuffed cake, and green rice balls.The ConclusionFrom this article, we can see that Qingming Festival is a time-honored tradition that involves expressions of respect for ancestors, a celebration of life, and the enjoyment of nature. Whether in China or abroad, people are working to preserve this important festival and share its significance with others around the world.




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